Monday, August 25, 2014

It's been too long.

It's been too long since I scrapped/blogged. I didn't want to do either of these things for the longest time - I finished up some design teams in Dec./13 and then I. just. stopped. I didn't want to scrap at all anymore. But recently I started to miss it. Well, the scrapping part at least. And then I was overwhelmed at the thought of  making a page. Would I remember how? Would I like what I made?
I started out easy, white background, MME die cuts/stickers, Bella Blvd. alphas, SC mists and my ever faithful buttons, doilies and embroidery floss.

I hate writing (I am quite horrible at it). So I have decided that I will keep my blog open but will make my blog posts predominantly pictures only. If anyone still comes here that is. If you do stop by, thank you. I TRULY appreciate the visit.

Hugs, Cin :)


Luz Maria Bruna said...

I totally understand you!!! The same thing been happening to me lately....
Your layout is GORGEOUS!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're back!
