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Today has been declared World Autism Awareness Day.
(the following post has been taken from Facebook and can be seen in it's original form HERE.)
Autism Canada is proud to join countless other autism organizations across the country and internationally in celebrating World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD). This is a day to bring awareness to the world to let people know where we are heading and acknowledge how far we have come.
Our primary WAAD initiative this year is to spread a message of inclusion and acceptance to elementary school students and staff across Canada. We know that children are our future, and our focus is not only on helping those who have autism, but giving the proper knowledge and understanding to those who don’t. Below is a link to an inspiring story written by Executive Director Laurie Mawlam that was published in The Autism File magazine. It highlights a group of six remarkable young boys from Leamington, Ontario, one of whom has autism, and their journey together. If you haven’t read it, please take a few minutes to do so and forward it on to a friend. It is sure to be an inspiration and example to all of us.
Click here to read the "rewards of Friendship" article by Laurie Mawlam http://www.autismcanada.org/pdfs/AutismFile_US33-Mawlam.pdf
Autism Canada, member of the Leadership Committee of the Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorders Alliance (CASDA), met on behalf of the Alliance with MPs and Senators on Parliament Hill on Tuesday March 30 to celebrate World Autism Awareness Day and bring awareness to the importance of formulating a National ASD Strategy. The federal government needs to institute a plan and show leadership. Autism Spectrum Disorders are epidemic and the federal government needs to put this on their political agenda now.
Click below to view CASDA's vision, mission and members.
Join us today to celebrate World Autism Awareness Day and help spread awareness. So please read the article and ask your MPs to support Bill S-211 – An Act Respecting World Autism Awareness Day, and the newly introduced Bill C-504 – An Act Respecting the Establishment of a National Strategy for Autism Spectrum Disorder.
If we all pledge to work together, we will make a difference!
Mark, Connor and I Thank you.